Militia, 9th Regiment; 83d Infantry "On the Union side, continental European firearms were mostly distributed to the Western armies--as such, the Lorenz Rifle was relatively uncommon in the Army of the Potomac (although two regiments of the famous Iron Brigade carried them) but heavily used by the Army of the Cumberland and Army of Tennessee. Mohawk Rangers or Rifles; three cos. of 81st Infantry This is a list of South Carolina Confederate Civil War units. National Guard, 5th Regiment, 174th Infantry Dickinson Light Artillery; 16th Battery general discussion. Empire Battery; Battery A, 1st Artillery Light Artillery, Gov. Tompkin's Cavalry; Cos. B and C, 13th Cavalry Yates' Rifles; part 51st Infantry Infantry: Gibraltar Brigade - having Samuel Carroll lead these steadfast Buckeyes is really satisfying Excelsior Brigade Irish Brigade Gen. Lysander Cutler (6th Wisconsin): March 25, 1864 May 6, 1864 Sullivan County Regiment; 56th Infantry The engagement began when about 35,000 Union troops marched from the federal capital in Washington, D.C. to strike a Confederate force of 20,000 along a small river known as Bull Run. List of military units raised by the Commonwealth of Kentucky during the American Civil War for service in the Union Army. Spinola's Brigade; see Empire Brigade While a professor at the Virginia Military Institute, Jacksons oddities of character had led the cadets to mockingly refer to him as Tom Fool Jackson. Wickham's Company of Infantry; part 142d Infantry Empire, or Spinola's Brigade, 4th Regiment; 164th Infantry (part) Heavy Artillery; 13th Militia Cornwall Company; Company C, 124th Infantry Bethesda, Maryland. Northern Black Horse Cavalry; 7th Cavalry The cuffs and collars had light blue trimming and two smaller brass buttons on the cuffs. Harris Light Cavalry; 2d Cavalry His nickname among his men was his callsign, "Chaos." 2. Buffalo Soldiers - HISTORY Colored Troops 36th Regiment Infantry U.S. I, 71st Militia, originally Co. L, 19th Militia Irish Regiment, Buffalo; 164th Infantry Another Confederate Johnson, Adam R. Stovepipe Johnson was known for deceptively making black stovepipes appear as cannon from a distance. But following his victory at Fort Donelson, the Northern press quickly rechristened him Unconditional Surrender Grant. The feature already exists and should be very easy to implement into the game. Long Island Volunteers, 1st Regiment; 67th Infantry Rochester Regiments, Infantry; 105th Infantry The 157th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade, also known as the Iron Brigade, is based out of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. What would it be called? : FIELD AND STAFF. Wilson's Zouaves; 6th Infantry Corcoran's Brigade Reno's Brigade from the North Carolina expedition (21st and 35th Massachusetts, 51st Pennsylvania, and 51st New York), The Horn Brigade, a unit serving in the Western Theater, was known as the "Iron Brigade of the Army of the Cumberland."[8]. Lindsay Blues; 102d Militia Buffalo Light Artillery; 27th Battery Independent Company Infantry, 31st; Co. F (new), 75th Infantry [2] This brigade was initially designated the 3rd Brigade of Maj. Gen. Irvin McDowell's division of the Army of the Potomac, and then the 3rd Brigade, I Corps.[3]. Hobart's (Elijah) Company, 2d Regiment United States Sharpshooters; Co. B, 93d Infantry Doubleday (Thomas D., Colonel), Heavy Artillery; 4th Artillery It consisted of: A Hardee black hat: A tall blocked, brimmed black hat, featuring a brass infantry bugle, a red I Corps circle patch and brass numbers/letters of the front to indicate units and companies. I find it odd because it is well know that Abraham (from the Bible) had hundreds of slaves. Sharpshooters, Milton P. Pierce's Company; part 8th Co., Battalion Sharpshooters Lastly, the Copperheads were Northern Democrats that opposed the Civil War and wanted to end it. Connecticut Cavalry, Companies A and B; 1st Squadron Noted for its strong discipline, its unique uniform appearance and its tenacious fighting ability, the Iron Brigade suffered the highest percentage of casualties of any brigade in the war. I, 194th Infantry Busteed's Battery, Chicago Light Artillery; part of 4th Battery, Calcium Light Sharpshooters; Company E, 102d Infantry Seward Infantry; 19th Infantry Rochester Cavalry Regiment; 8th Cavalry Tenth National Guard; 177th Infantry New York Cavalry, 7th Regiment; 2d Cavalry Lincoln Cavalry; 1st Cavalry Fun Trivia . Unfortunately, we didn't have room to include all that we found. Governor's Guard; 2d Mounted Rifles Carbine Rangers; 1st Cavalry Phoenix Regiment; part 164th Infantry Federal Guard; 178th Infantry (part) Cameron Rifles; 68th Infantry Cavalry For the Union, 3559 separate units included regiments; separate battalions, companies, or batteries of this total 2144 were infantry regiments, 272 cavalry regiments, 61 of heavy artillery, 13 of engineers, 9 light infantry battalions, and 432 separate batteries names. National Guard; 1st Infantry Slogans, Nicknames and Operational Names Associated with the - OldNaija Richmond Guards; Co. G, 33d Infantry Scandinavian Volunteers; Co. Anthon's Battalion, Light Artillery, 28th Battery National Guard Artillery, 69th Regiment; 182d Infantry In 1866, six all-Black cavalry and infantry regiments were . Manhattan Rifles; part 57th Infantry Onondagas; 122d Infantry Mozart Regiment; 40th Infantry, N. Nail Factory Company; Co. Polish Legion; part of 58th Infantry 54th Regiment | United States military | Britannica Artisans and Engineers; 1st Engineers Dutchess County Regiment or Legion; 150th Infantry Avery Rifles; Company A, 12th Militia, later Company A, 102d Infantry, Baden Artillery; 1st Battalion of Artillery Oregon Rifles, 1st Regiment But there are several other names as well to consider. National Guard Artillery; 18th Militia General Thomas received the nicknameRock of Chickamauga due to his ability to endure theonslaughtwhich the Confederacy unleashed at the Battle of Chickamauga. 7 Unusual Military Units - HISTORY Your email address will not be published. Saint Lawrence County Regiment; 16th Infantry Red Bull. The other rooster had popped both gaffs through his head. Mathew W. Lively Rochester Cavalry Regiment; 22d Cavalry Gen. Solomon Meredith, was redesignated the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, I Corps. National Guard 4th Regiment; 173d Infantry Forster's Heavy Artillery; part of 16th Artillery Hungarian Regiment; part 39th Infantry Leslie Guards; part 66th Infantry. Brooklyn Rifles; 87th Infantry, except Companies C and E Steuben Rangers; 86th Infantry The last surviving member of the Iron Brigade, Josiah E. Cass of Eau Claire, Wisconsin, died on 2 December 1947 of a fractured hip suffered in a fall. Honest Abe and Father Abraham are both nicknames for President Abraham Lincoln. Independent Company Infantry; 35th Infantry Corcoran's Brigade or Irish Legion Original 6th Regiment; all, except Company D in 182d Infantry; Company D as Company H in 155th Infantry Weeks; Cos. B, C, D, E and F (new), 12th Infantry (Volunteers) Garde De Lafayette; 55th Militia and 55th Infantry The brigade next went into action at The Battle Of South Mountain, September 14th, 1862, where they would receive their coveted nickname. Napoleon in Gray is not very original in itsorigin. National Grays; 13th Militia Gen. John Gibbon, who led the brigade into its first battle. Malone Regiment; 98th Infantry Morgan's 2d Regiment United States; 2d Artillery Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - A, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - B, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - C, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - D, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - E, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - F, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - G, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - H, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - I, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - J, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - K, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - L, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - M, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - N, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - O, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - P, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - Q, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews -R, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - S, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - T, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - U-V, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - W, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - X, Y, and Z, Finding Aids for selected archival collections, New York State Awards, Decorations, and Medals, Medal Of Honor Recipients Affiliated With New York, Research Guide: New York in the Revolutionary War, Research Guide: New York in the War of 1812, Research Guide: New York in the Mexican-American War, 1846-1848, Research Guide: New York in the Civil War, Research Guide: New York in the Spanish-American War, Research Guide: New York in the Mexican Punitive Campaign, 1916, Research Guide: New York in the World War One, Research Guide: New York in the World War Two, Research Guide: Guide to finding New York National Guard Records, Research Guide: Guide to finding US Military Records, Practical Engineers and Mechanics, 1st Regiment, 1st Independent Battalion Artillery Militia, NYS Division of Military and Naval Affairs. Van Alen Cavalry; 3d Cavalry Eagle, or Scrogg's Brigade, 5th Regiment; 53d Infantry, 2d organization, became part of 132d and 162d Infantry The Second and Seventh Wisconsin used the Lorenz Rifle. Robert E. Lee was known as Granny Lee and The King of Spades early in the war for his cautiousness and defensive trench building, but after achieving fame as the Souths greatest leader, he became more respectfully known to his men as Marse Robert or Bobby Lee. William L. Jackson Stonewalls second cousin was amusingly and sarcastically dubbed Mudwall Jackson for his lackluster performance as a colonel of Confederate cavalry. Corcoran's Brigade or Irish Legion 5th Regiment; the original 4th Regiment; formed Companies A, B and C, 175th Regiment New York Rifles; part 51st Infantry The Most Lethal Fighting Unit of the Civil War - warhistoryonline 28th Infantry Division, US Army: Originally nicknamed "Keystone Division," the unit acquired the nickname "Bloody Bucket" by German forces during World War II because the red keystone patch resembled a bucket. Corcoran's Brigade or Irish Legion Original 5th Regiment; later the 2d; 155th Infantry Sarsfield Rifles; part 59th Infantry Defenders, The; 178th Infantry (part) I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. Soldiers and Sailors Database - The Civil War - National Park Service Nicknames from the Civil War CW Nicknames List of names and questions to be answered 2-5-12 B lack Student sparks debate with Confederate Flag Would they have used shortened nicknames like Ben for Benjam. Buffalo Regiment, Col. Franklin Sidway's; merged in 151st Infantry Pratt Guard; part 178th Infantry Stuart's Engineers; 50th Engineers One Hundred and Eighth New York Volunteers; 6th Co. Sharpshooters Fighting Joe was the nickname given to Union General Joseph Hooker. Category Convertible. The Civil War Unit Study and Lap Book. National Guard, see Militia Cameron Rifles; part of 59th Infantry National Cadets; 69th Militia Governor Morgan's United States Light Artillery, 2d Regiment; 2d Artillery Dickinson Guard; 89th Infantry Many commanders won their nicknames through military performance. Auburn Regiment; 75th Infantry Of New York State Militia Units in 1861 :: New York State Military Company A, 7th Indiana Infantry Regiment, wrote about several regimental nicknames used during the War. Northern New York Regiment, 1st; 16th Infantry Excelsior, or Sickles' Brigade, 1st Regiment; 70th Infantry Netherland Legion; part 39th Infantry United States Constitution Guard; 40th Infantry by Jessica | Jul 18, 2013 | American History, . "Billy Yank" A Union soldier during the Civil War. Its exploits were depicted in the 1989 film Glory. Ira Harris Guard, 2d; 6th Cavalry Independent Corps, New York Light Infantry; Enfants Perdus Michigan Company; Company K, 1st Cavalry 54th Regiment, in full Fifty-fourth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Massachusetts infantry unit made up of African Americans that was active during the American Civil War (1861-65). The brigade fought in the battles of Second Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Mine Run, Overland, Richmond-Petersburg, and Appomattox. Irish Brigade, Meagher's, 5th Regiment, formerly 4th; 88th Infantry Perkin's Rifles; 171st Infantry Entry for each military unit: nicknames or misdesignations; commanding officers; information on organization and composition; campaigns and battles; suggested further reading, if any. Many volunteer units were raised during the Civil War and soon acquired nicknames: some were created by the units themselves, some were given and some were earned. German Heavy Artillery (Adam Senges); 3d Battalion, later part of 15th Artillery Sailors See a list of 18,000 African American sailors that served in the Civil War. Metropolitan Guard, 5th Regiment; 174th Infantry Governor's Guard; 6th Militia Vinton Rifles; 43d Infantry Griswold Light Cavalry; 21st Cavalry Sherman used the name in his letters and messages to others. Battery D, New York Volunteer Artillery; 5th Battery As the Western men advanced up the National Road, forcing the Confederate line all the way back to the gap, McClellan asked, "What troops are those fighting in the Pike?" Orleans Battery; 17th Battery Carthage Battery; Company H, 2d Artillery Located at Camp Casey, South Korea, the brigade has a critical role of military deterrence on the Korean Peninsula. It was here that he issued Order 28 which gave soldiers the right to treat women like prostitutes. Goshen Company; Company B, 124th Infantry Sigel Sharpshooters; part 119th Infantry Irish Brigade, Meagher's, 1st Regiment; 69th Infantry Irish Brigade; Cos. G, H and I, 105th Infantry Bliss Cavalry; 5th Cavalry (part) Highland Guard; 79th Infantry Young Napoleon was the nickname given to Union General George B. McClellan. Not to be confused with the famous "Iron Brigade" of the Civil War, the 57th Field Artillery Brigade is also known as the "Iron Brigade," a nickname traditionally given to crack artillery units in the Civil War. Washington Grays, 1st Troop; Artillery Co. Engineers and Artisans; 2d Engineers; 15th Engineers (part) Cavalry, 2d Cavalry, Harris Light; 7th Regiment, United States or New York State Cavalry Shepard Rifles; 51st Infantry Anthon's Battalion, Light Artillery, 20th Battery Union general John C. The Pathfinder Frmont had been an early explorer of the western United States, and Confederate Leonidas The Fighting Bishop Polk was an Episcopal bishop before the war. Many commanders won their nicknames through military performance. Seymour Light Cavalry; 13th Cavalry Description. Empire, or Spinola's Brigade, 1st Regiment; 158th Infantry Saint Lawrence County Regiment, 1st; 60th Infantry Jackson Horse Guard; Co. A, 1st Militia Cavalry O.) W Whitehall Light Guards; reorganized as Co. G, 22d Infantry United States National Guards; 11th Infantry Union Grenadiers, Co. A; Co. E, 103d Infantry Nicknamed Dirty First, the 31 st fought hard in these Civil War battles: Battle of Belmont Battle of Fort Donelson Battle of Champion Hill Battle of Big Black River Siege of Vicksburg Battle of Kennesaw Mountain Battle of Atlanta Battle of Jonesboro March to the Sea #11: Alabama 26 th Infantry Regiment - Confederate Tenth Ward Rangers; Co. A, 25th Infantry I, 33d Infantry Hawkins Zouaves, 2d; 178th Infantry "Fall-Out" A soldier that can not keep up with his/her unit. Oneida County, New York in the Civil War :: New York State Military Manhattan Rifles; Co. G (old), 43d Infantry I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. Morgan Artillery; part 2d Artillery On August 28, 1862, during the preliminary phases of the Second Battle of Bull Run, it stood up against attacks from a superior force under Maj. Gen Thomas J. The Bonaparte Legacy - v0.7.2 file - Mod DB Cameron Highlanders; Company I, 59th Infantry A popular nickname among Union soldiers and civilians for President Abraham Lincoln. W.) Cavalry Company; Co. C, 3d Cavalry, Militia The Iron Brigade was not heavily engaged in the battle of Fredericksburg, besides for some minor actions by the 24th Michigan. ", This page was last edited on 7 February 2023, at 02:17. Military Units of the Union - The American Civil War Judson Kill-Cavalry Kilpatrick was thought to have a reckless disregard for the lives of his Union cavalry soldiers. List of New York Civil War units - Wikipedia Ethan Allen Regiment; 178th Infantry (part) Perry's Saints; 48th Infantry Almost immediately following the Union defeat in the Second Battle of Bull Run, the III Corps was transferred back to the Army of the Potomac and redesignated the I Corps, under the command of Joseph Hooker; Gibbon's brigade became the 4th Brigade, 1st Division, I Corps. Mounted Rifles, 1st Regiment; 1st Mounted Rifles Union Regiment; 27th Infantry Madison and Cortland Regiment; 157th Infantry List of Kentucky Union Civil War units | Military Wiki | Fandom Hawkins Zouaves, 1st; 9th Infantry I like that and am looking for more unique/interesting/clever nicknames for other locally raised companies, North and South. This unit was the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, I Corps, also known as Merideth's Brigade. Oswego County Regiment; 24th Infantry Vanguard Regiment; 59th Infantry Colored Troops National Guard; 7th Militia United States Lancers; part of Cos. A and B, 4th Artillery Garibaldi Guard; 39th Infantry The 50 Greatest Civil War Names Brandon Claycomb Thursday, July 4, 2013 IT'S THE SESQUICENTENNIAL of the Civil War's turning point week. When this monument is completed and the CWSS is in place, it is anticipated that there will be an increase in requests for the records of the USCT. Empire, or Spinola's Brigade, 2d Regiment; 132d Infantry Washington Zouaves; part of 57th Infantry Grenadiers; Company A,103d Infantry Also, the fact that the book mentions the name, but offers up no explanation seems strange. (Pictured right). Poor battlefield performance, or the perception of such, could also result in a nickname. Nickname [ edit] Oneida County Regiment, 5th; 146th Infantry Mechanic Rifles; three companies, 66th Infantry Perhaps the most famous nickname in military history - "Stonewall" - was bestowed on Thomas J. Jackson after his determined stance on Henry Hill at the battle of First Manassas. Excelsior Rifle Legion, New York; 92d Infantry, Faugh-a-ballagh; Capt. Learn how your comment data is processed. McDowell's I Corps did not join the bulk of the Army of the Potomac in the Peninsula Campaign. Cameron Rifle Highlanders; Companies B and C, 78th Infantry (old) Storming Tigers New York City Artillery, 1st; 12th Artillery, later part of 15th Artillery Constitution Guard; 40th Infantry They were known throughout the war as the "Black Hats" because of the black 1858 model Hardee hats issued to Army regulars, rather than the blue kepis worn by most other Union Army units. Little Mac McClellan and Philip Little Phil Sheridan were named for their small statue, while Confederate Nathan G. Shanks Evans was recognized by his skinny, knock-kneed legs. The blank space is already there in the regiments.dat file. Corning Light Cavalry; 18th Cavalry Buffalo Regiment, 2d; 49th Infantry winderful issues altogether, you simply won a logo new reader. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, III Corps (17th Maine, 3rd Michigan, 5th Michigan, 1st, 37th, and 101st New York) Engineers and Artisans; 1st Engineers Federal Records [ edit | edit source] [9] Fire Zouaves, 1st Regiment; 11th Infantry Baxter Light Guards; 31st Infantry Anderson Zouaves; 62d Infantry Burgesses Corps; Company R, 25th Militia Battery C, New York Volunteer Artillery; 4th Battery While there are numerous tales as to how he received the nickname of Honest Abe, Father Abraham is more interesting to me. Back to Unit. Ya, while a large collection of Civil War nicknames is indeed interesting, I dont think it would make for an interesting book. Sigel Rifles; 52d Infantry Black River Artillery Regiment; 10th Regiment Artillery Jefferson Greys; Co. B, 35th Infantry Virginia provided the following units to the Virginia Militia and the Provisional Army of the Confederate States (PACS) during the American Civil War . Regiments Search unit histories of over 4,000 Union and Confederate regiments. Hamilton Light Artillery; Co. L (old), 2d Artillery, later 34th Battery Otsego Regiments; 185th Infantry Chasseurs de Vincennes Albany Zouave Cadets; Company A, 10th Militia, and Company A, 177th Infantry Gen. Solomon Meredith: November 25, 1862 July 1, 1863 (wounded at Gettysburg). Either way, unique unit nicknames are much more fun, even if they may have been less common. Madaus, Howard Michael & Richard Zeitlin. List of United States Colored Troops Civil War units - Wikipedia 7th Indiana: "Bulldogs". "Doughboy" A World War I Soldier. Continental Guard, 2d; Company C, 87th Infantry Washington Zouaves; part of 87th Infantry A multiple-choice quiz by ricbatcheller. What was the nickname of the infantry unit that marched the furthest in the Civil War in one 24-hour period? Long Island - Civil War, 1861-1865 - Local History Italian Guard; 12th Militia Light Battery A, 1st Regiment Artillery; 2d Battery Keuka Rifles; Co. Militia, 13th Regiment; part 87th Infantry The report lists 26,088 names of men who served during the Civil War period, including citizen soldiers who served in local militias. Les Enfants Perdus; Independent Corps, Light Infantry Fisher's Cavalry; 14th Cavalry (part) Corcoran's Brigade or Irish Legion Original 8th Regiment; not organized, but all enlisted men in 164th Infantry Readanother post on More Civil War Nicknames, The Confusing Confederate Service of Randolph McCoy. Senges' Battalion German Heavy Artillery; 3d Battalion Artillery Union Brigade; 101st Infantry Independent Company Infantry; 22d Infantry Excelsior, or Sickles' Brigade, 5th Regiment; 74th Infantry Waiting behind a stone fence, Wyman White, one of the U.S. sharpshooters later recalled: "They came yelling and firing and struggling . Civil War Nicknames - Civil War Profiles Otsego County Regiment; 76th Infantry, Palmer's Artillery; 2d Artillery Hancock Guard; 90th Infantry (part) Cattaraugus Regiment, 1st; 64th Infantry Smith Battery, 4th Independent Battery Washington County Regiment; 93d Infantry It repulsed the first Confederate offensive through Herbst's Woods, led by the 2nd Wisconsin, capturing much of Brig. Metropolitan Guard, 3d Regiment; 162d Infantry Binghamton Regiment; 109th Infantry Morgan's 2d Regiment; 2d Artillery Die-no-mores; Company D, 48th Infantry Affectionately called Old Jack by his men, Jackson had not always been the recipient of such a badge of honor. Remington Guard; part 81st Infantry McClellan Infantry, Co. C; Co. E, 87th Infantry Buffalo Regiment, 3d; 100th Infantry Friend's Rifle Guards; Company E, 70th Infantry : THREE YEARS' SERVICE. Oswego County Regiment, 4th; 147th Infantry All rights reserved. Otsego Regiments; 121st Infantry document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The memorial is due for completion in the fall of 1997. Sharpshooters, 5th Company, Tenth Legion; Co. L, 56th Infantry 9 Military Badasses With Awesome Nicknames | Independent Company of Infantry, 49th; Co. G, 194th Infantry Von Beck Canal Rangers or Rifles; Cos. B and G, 102d Infantry : A long, dark blue coat that came down to the mid thighs, resembling that of an officers coat. Wiedrich's Battery; Battery I, 1st Light Artillery Cherry Valley Regiment; 76th Infantry (3 companies) Willard's Battalion of Artillery; later 20th and 28th Batteries Some received their monikers out of respect and admiration, while others were labeled out of contempt or ridicule. The 54th Regiment became famous for its fighting prowess and for the great courage of its members. Cemeteries Cayuga and Wayne County Regiment; 138th Infantry, later 9th Artillery Morgan Cavalry; part 10th Cavalry Chautauqua Regiment; 112th Infantry Syracuse Regiment; part 101st Infantry Tompkins' Blues; 12th Militia Onondaga County Regiment, 4th; 149th Infantry Washington Grays; 8th Militia New York Volunteers Corps of Engineers; 1st Engineers Washington Volunteers; 36th Infantry Drew's Co.; part Co. C, 51st Infantry Contents 1 Infantry 2 Sharpshooters 3 Cavalry 4 Artillery 4.1 Light Artillery 4.2 Heavy Artillery 4.3 Horse Artillery 5 Legions 6 Others 6.1 Militia 6.2 State Troops 6.3 Reserves 7 See also 8 References Eighth Ward Rangers; Company D., 25th Infantry Militia, 15th Regiment, Artillery Co.; Co. L, 2d Artillery, later 34th Battery The Iron Brigade of the West was the unit that received the most lasting publicity in its use of the nickname. Independent Company Infantry, 12th, part; Co. H, part, 194th Infantry In June 1862 it was redesignated the III Corps of Maj. Gen. John Pope's Army of Virginia.