10+ "Geert Van Den Bossche" profiles | LinkedIn Variants are "a thing to keep an eye on," Saad Omer, an epidemiologist who serves as director of the Yale Institute for Global Health, told us in a phone interview. (I note that Dr. Vanden Bossche only set up his Twitter account two weeks ago and already has over 16K followers.) Dat laatste standpunt wordt ook door een klein deel van de wetenschappelijke experts gehuldigd. While mutations to SARS-CoV-2 would be happening regardless of any human intervention, the notion that vaccination might apply evolutionary pressure toward variants that can escape current vaccines is not untenable. Thus if evidence emerges that particular variants do appear to influence vaccine efficacy, it should be possible to periodically reformulate the vaccines so that they better match the circulating strains. These assumptions come without scientific studies or data to support them and indeed are not always reasonable. It appears that Vejon Health is a dormant company, if it exists at all. Snopes and the Snopes.com logo are registered service marks of Snopes.com, Image Via Screencapture / geertvandenbossche.org. Nog volgens hem zou zon nieuwe en dodelijkere variant geholpen kunnen worden doordat het coronavaccin ons aangeboren immuunsysteem zou verzwakken. Because his proposed solution appears to be a fantasy, its effect would be to stop vaccinations completely and replace them with nothing. Hij wijst erop dat hij geen soort van hobby viroloog is zoals hij wordt weggezet in de media en benoemt zijn ervaringen en diplomas waaronder bepaalde zaken die niet veel Vlamingen hem hebben voorgedaan. It means either "from the woods" or "from Den Bosch ". In an effort to sidestep this self-evident solution, Vanden Bossche seems to have made up a second mechanism to stoke fear over COVID-19 vaccines. My statements are based on nothing else but science. Deze sfeer is mee geschept door de experten en de media. Hij was daarbij kritisch over de veiligheid van een ebolavaccin. Because, among other things: 1) Neither in the original March 6 piece nor his March 13 follow-up does Vanden Bossche provide any direct, non-theoretical evidence that this is happening; 2) The natural antibodies that are produced after encountering a pathogen are only a small part of a quick, effective and broad-based first-line immune-system defense known as innate or passive immunity which in fact largely comprises other components; and 3) Vanden Bossche downplays the effectiveness of the antibodies our bodies naturally produce as part of the second-line (adaptive) part of the immune system that also has served us extremely well for millennia. Zie het als een kopieermachine, legt immunoloog Hans-Willem Snoeck (Columbia University, New York)op zijn beurt uit. Up to this point, at its core and leaving aside minor variations, Dr. Vanden Bossches argument about COVID-19 vaccines and COVID-19 is pretty close to exactly the same argument that Wakefield fallaciously made about MMR and measles. The notion that this is somehow a problem relies on the unsupported claim that a natural infection would be better equipped to kill SARS-CoV-2. By educating these cells in ways that enable them to durably recognize and target Coronavirus-infected cells, our immune system could be perfectly armed for a targeted atack to the universe of Coronaviruses prior to exposure. Is Vanden Bossche fout met zijn theorie of is hij een kiezel in de schoen van de media en experten die het debat domineren omtrent de covid aanpak. It is precisely this type of highly specific, high affinity Abs that current Covid-19 vaccines are inducing. Statisten - Wikipedia Hoewel n dosis de besmettelijkheid al doet dalen, blijft het wel belangrijk dat beide dosissen van een coronavaccin toegediend worden. As I like to say, if you ever write anything that channels Andrew Wakefield, you really should reconsider your life choices. Dit weekend een stikstofakkoord? Het gaat ook om een therapeutisch vaccin. Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. De tekst is beschikbaar onder de licentie. Of course, the type of vaccines to be used would be completely different from conventional vaccines in that theyre not inducing the usual suspects, i.e., B and T cells, but NK cells. Also, as I said at the time, while it is possible that the B. pertussis bacteria is developing resistance to the vaccine through natural selection, the evidence that it is doing so struck me as weak and preliminary, just as the evidence claiming that SARS-CoV-2 is evolving to be resistant to current vaccines strikes me as weak and preliminary. Holodomor: hoe grondig genformeerd zijn de Vlaamse Parl Stevenen we versneld af op een oorlog tegen China? (Vanden Bossche did not respond to a detailed list of questions sent by Snopes on March 23, 2021.). Clearly, variability in the spike glycoprotein can affect the efficiency of antibody neutralisation. He invokes the discovery of variants currently in circulation that have altered portions of the spike protein the target of COVID-19 vaccine implying that these observations lead credence to his hypothesis. Is het levensgevaarlijk om massaal te vaccineren tijdens een epidemie, zoals Vanden Bossche zegt? Well, similar to the rules applying to classical antimicrobial antibiotics, it is paramount that our self-made antiviral antbiotcs [sic] are made available in sufficient concentration and are tailored at the specific features of our enemy. Hoe schandalig is het brugpensioen van Marc Leemans? Vanden Bossche has been able to avoid allegations of peddling such a cure at least in the credulous anti-vaccine community because his resume legitimately includes stints at companies or initiatives involved in vaccine development, including The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Whats particularly dangerous about Dr. Vanden Bossches misinformation is that, on the surface, he appears to be a vaccine expert, whom antivaxxers touting his open letter (and all the follow-up science hes been Tweeting and posting to his website) have been describing as a worlds expert in vaccines. He claims that the vaccines will destroy our bodies' ability to use our innate immune system (which produces, among other things, non-specific cells capable of clearing a wide variety of infectious material from the body) to fight off the variants vaccines allegedly could not. 1 jaar oorlog in Oekrane: hoe geraken we hieruit? A company claiming to develop such a product is currently registered to an address identified on Yelp as his veterinary practice. Paradoxically, the only intervention that could offer a perspective to end this pandemic (other than to let it run its disastrous course) is VACCINATION. Very interested in spirituality. Now, lets compare the passage above to what Andrew Wakefield wrote about MMR and vaccines: Antibiotic use has selected out multiply resistant, more dangerous, and more pathogenic strains of bacteria. In any case, for someone who is so not antivaccine, Dr. Vanden Bossche sure is good at providing ammunition to the antivaccine movement. Were in a race with the new variants, Sara Del Valle, a computational epidemiologist at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico explained in a March 2021 feature in the scientific journal Nature. I have to point out that coronaviruses, in particular SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, do not mutate especially fast as RNA viruses go. As the innate immune system cannot remember the pathogens it encountered (innate immunity has no so-called immunological memory), we can only continue to rely on it provided we keep it trained well enough. Een drietal weken geleden kwam viroloog en vaccin ontwikkelaar Geert Vanden Bossche naar buiten met een ernstige bezorgdheid omtrent de massavaccinatie tegen covid-19 die momenteel wereldwijd in ongeziene vaart aan de gang is. Duitsland blokkeert goedkeuring, Auto rijdt binnen in huis in Mol, bestuurder pleegt vluchtmisdrijf. He adds hes now focusing on vaccines that educate the immune system in ways that are to some extent more efficient than we do right now with our conventional vaccines. Clearly hes got significant conflicts of interest. Vanden Bossche lijkt het proces te beschrijven dat bacterin bestand maakt tegen antibiotica, legt Vandermeulen uit, maar je kan bacterin en virussen (zoals het coronavirus) niet met elkaar vergelijken. Basically, Dr. Vanden Bossches open letter is a mess that directly channels Andrew Wakefield. De Belgische wetenschapper Geert Vanden Bossche heeft het internet veroverd met zijn waarschuwing voor een wereldwijde ramp: de massale coronavaccinaties zouden een virusvariant kunnen creren die tegen de vaccins bestand is waardoor veel doden zouden vallen. Author of 'From Midnight to Moonlight' - a book about cats and angels. 42(3) . Dit standpunt is niet onomstreden. Wat beweert hij nu precies en wat is er van aan? Vanden Bossche vraagt zich af of de reacties via VRTNWS en Knack berusten op onwetendheid dan wel op het moedwillig verdraaien van de feiten en roept de ons aller gekende experten op het wetenschappelijk debat aan te gaan. ], Ive frequently discussed how in the age of the pandemic, at least in terms of antivaccine misinformation and pseudoscience, everything old is new again. Een drietal weken geleden kwam viroloog en vaccin ontwikkelaar Geert Vanden Bossche naar buiten met een ernstige bezorgdheid omtrent de massavaccinatie tegen covid-19 die momenteel wereldwijd in ongeziene vaart aan de gang is. By the time I get through this, I suspect youll understand why the misinformation that Dr. Vanden Bossche is selling (and I use the word selling intentionally, as I suspect theres grift involved) is nonsense and nothing more than repackaged antivax tropes. VRTNWS bevestigd dat er een lang gesprek is geweest met Vanden Bossche. Des te meer in ons land aangezien hij een Belg is. En wat met die massale sterftegolf die Geert Vanden Bossche voorspelt? Na enkele dagen van stilte nam Vanden Bossche vandaag zijn camera en reageerde met een video op hetgeen in de media is verschenen. Daar kan je geen grote bevolkingsgroepen uit voorzorg mee vaccineren (wat dus wel kan met de huidige coronavaccins). Geert Vanden Bossche is a scientist who published an open letter warning of global catastrophe due to deadly variants of COVID-19 selected for by mass vaccination. Integendeel, de uitbraken zijn onder controle gebracht.. Bovendien volstaan enkel de NK-cellen meestal niet, maar ze geven het immuunsysteem wel de tijd om een krachtigere respons aan te maken.. ACV en ABVV voeren actie tegen brutale sociale uitbuiting Subsidies voor ziekenfondsen en zorgkassen: een goede zaak, Kind en Gezien in het Vlaams Parlement: Parlementsleden leven in een andere wereld, Sarah Bracke: Voor de afbrokkeling van vrouwen- en LGBTQ+-rechten hoeven we niet enkel naar extreemrechts te kijken, Crisis Crche Crevits: ouders starten kinderopvang in ontvangsthal van kabinet Hilde Crevits, De vrouw als zondebok is meer dan een historische terugblik op brandstapels, Kinderopvang blijft strijden tot beleid verbetert: Je bent met de belangrijkste levensjaren van een mens bezig, 80 jaar geleden werden Sophie Scholl, Hans Scholl en Christoph Probst gexecuteerd door het nazi-regime, Viviana dAuria, Luce Beeckmans, Tasneem Nagi, Heleen Verheyden, Cline Drieskens, Aikaterini Anastasiou, Jeroen Stevens, Isabelle Benoit, Viviana dAuria, Luce Beeckmans, Tasneem Nagi, Heleen Verheyden, Cline Drieskens, Aikaterini Anastasiou, Jeroen Stevens, Isabelle Benoit. Hierbij vertegenwoordigt hij standpunten die slechts door een heel kleine minderheid van wetenschappelijke experts wordt gedeeld. The molecular weight cut-off of microcapsules is determined by the reaction between alginate and polylysine. Hij benoemt dat als een mogelijk risico. Dat komt doordat ons immuunsysteem voor een virus heel moeilijk te omzeilen is. 721. Al was het maar om het lezerspubliek niet langer voor de gek te houden besluit Vanden Bossche. . Hoe antivaxers een Vlaamse veearts wereldberoemd maakten - Knack mRNA-vaccins werden al volop ontwikkeld vr COVID-19 uitbrak (En coronavaccins zoals Pfizer en Moderna maken gebruik van messenger-RNA dat in de cellen van de mens eiwitten aanmaakt van virusuitsteeksels, red.). 10.8K. Geert Vanden Bossche - Universiteit Gent The technology enables the development of universal vaccines educating the host immune system to redirect immune targeting away from canonical antigens to a widely divergent spectrum of vitally vulnerable pathogen-derived self-mimicking antigens, irrespective of MHC polymorphism. Follow More from Medium Mehek Kapoor in. I think that grifters recognize fellow grifters, and Frei recognized that Dr. Vanden Bossche is stoking fear of existing COVID-19 vaccines to produce a sales rationale for his own NK-based vaccine, just as Andrew Wakefield stoked fear of the MMR in order to support his own measles vaccine. Hij beweert dat de coronavaccins ertoe zullen leiden dat het coronavirus verder muteert en zo bestand wordt tegen die vaccins. As a scientist I do not usually appeal to any platform of this kind to make a stand on vaccine-related topics. After all, as Nirenberg and the review article I quoted above note, while it is true that variants of concern demonstrate reduced antibody neutralization, we do not as yet have an absolute correlate regarding how high an antibody level is required to be protective, making the practical meaning of this observation difficult to determine. Even more hilariously (and a bit uncomfortably) Frei is pretty spot on when she notes: However, this is on very shaky ground. There you have it, the lone scientific maverick who is the only one willing to speak out about against a horror being perpetrated by conventional medicine and science that they dont want you to know about or discuss, a horror thats so urgent that he must speak now. Who is Geert Vanden Bossche? - VAXOPEDIA | Voice for Science and. The production of targeted antibodies obviously creates a different response than a natural infection because "you're producing antibodies against specific needs therefore you have a limited targeted immune response, not the whole response that you see after an infection." View geert vanden bossche's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. This makes no sense, Yale's Omer told us. Geert Vanden Bossche - Biography - IMDb Vervolgens gaat hij in op hetgeen op VRTNWS en in Knack is verschenen als reactie op zijn wetenschappelijke bevindingen. He claims that its because theres so much coronavirus circulating and so many people might produce suboptimal levels of antibody to the virus that, as is the case when antibiotics are used at levels too low to eliminate bacteria and thereby result in strong evolutionary selection for resistant strains of bacteria, a mass vaccination program is doomed to result in resistant variants of coronavirus, particularly when the vaccination program has started out targeted: As if this was not already heavily compromising innate immune defense in this population segment, there comes yet another force into play that will dramatically enhance morbidity and mortality rates in the younger age groups: MASS VACCINATION of the ELDERLY. Peter van den Bossche (born 1959) is a professor of international economic law at the University of Bern ( World Trade Institute ). GEERT VANDEN BOSSCHE: 'MY FINAL CALL' - Apple Mensen die gevaccineerd zijn, voelen zich soms een dag niet goed, met koorts bijvoorbeeld. Op initiatief van de provincie Zuid-Holland en 9 andere overheden. Aert van den Bossche - Wikipedia Men draagt een verantwoordelijkheid. [1] In 2018 he was elected president of the Society of International Economic Law (SIEL). Transformation is rapidly becoming the key to survive as an organsisation. ), lets just review what Wakefield claimed about the MMR vaccine back in 2019. Jul 4, 2022. This problem will be exacerbated, he claims, because people who have been vaccinated (and/or social distancing and staying inside during the pandemic) will be less capable of fighting off those strains than someone who has not been vaccinated. (He bases this on the observation that in those infected with COVID-19 asymptomatically, S-specific Ab levels decline faster than in those with symptomatic infections.) Hij werkte in zijn carrire ook aan vaccins, maar publiceerde daar zeer weinig over en bleef nooit lang aan het werk in de sector. Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche is a veterinary doctor who also has a Ph.D. in virology. En nooit is het probleem daardoor groter gemaakt. Van den Bossche or Vandenbossche is a Dutch surname originating in Flanders. Je krijgt daardoor minder besmettingen en daardoor ook minder mutaties. Ze vindt wereldwijd slechts twee onderzoeken naar een NK-vaccin tegen COVID-19, die bovendien allebei nog niet van start zijn gegaan. Vanden Bossche is bij het publiek bekend vanwege zijn kritiek op het coronabeleid van overheden. Aangezien het geen debat betreft maar een reactie op een reactie in de vorm van een monoloog is het als leek moeilijk in te schatten wie er wetenschappelijk gelijk heeft. Bioavailability of two ibuprofen oral paste formulations is fasted and non fasted ponies. However, NK cell-based vaccines will primarily enable our natural immunity to be better prepared (memory!) He reminds me of another doctor who spread misinformation about COVID-19 vaccination based on an unbending principle of immunology to justify his concerns, without any clinical or epidemiological evidence to support it. Dr Vanden Bossche also coordinated the Ebola vaccine In die zin is Vanden Bossche best wel een lastig gegeven, een opposant tegen de eenzijdige stem die gehoord wordt. Sounds familiar: suboptimal immune pressure + viral variant! Add a bio, trivia, and more. Racing against the clock, I am completing my scientfic [sic] manuscript, the publication of which is, unfortunately, likely to come too late given the ever increasing threat from rapidly spreading, highly infectious variants. 1499-1505), Flemish painter. So, as we grow up, we increasingly mount pathogen-specific immunity, including highly specific Abs. En video is zelfs een miljoen keer bekeken. In online biographies, Vanden Bossche describes himself as "inventor on a patent application for universal vaccines." So, there is not one second left for gears to be switched and to replace the current killer vaccines by life-saving vaccines. Although non-self and exposed on the surface of infected or pathologically altered cells, these antigens are not effectively recognised upon natural infection or disease. "The underlying fallacy," Omer explained, is that a natural infection is better than a vaccine. In deze video legt vaccinoloog Corinne Vandermeulen uit waarom er een groot verschil is tussen antibiotica en vaccins (lees eronder voort): Het klopt ook niet dat een onvolledige vaccinatie tot meer nieuwe vormen van het virus zou leiden. and to induce herd immunity (which is exactly the opposite of what current Covid-19 vaccines do as those increasingly turn vaccine recipients into asymptomatic carriers who are shedding virus). Dit om een bepaalde sfeer te scheppen. Laat ons een sereen, publiek debat voeren over de vragen die van belang zijn in plaats van te twitteren. As a result, I thought it worth providing this rebuttal and links to an even better rebuttal, to SBM readers in order to disseminate this information more widely. If you claim to be not antivaccine but your message is so attractive to a rabid antivaxxer and leader of the antivaccine movement like Del Bigtree that he spends an hour promoting it, you are either deluding yourself about being not antivaccine, or youre a useful idiot for the antivaccine movement, possibly both. Visit Amazon.de's Geert Vanden Bossche Page and shop for all Geert Vanden Bossche books. Indien hij gelijk krijgt natuurlijk. This growing threat has led what many senior public health officials in the UK and the U.S. to describe as the post-antibiotic apocalypse and the end of modern medicine. It is estimated that 50,000 annual deaths occur in Europe and the U.S. from infections that antibiotics have lost the power to treat. So in fewer than 80 years, we have reached the point at which, for example, with prosthetic surgery, wards are being closed down, patients are being sent home, and operations are no longer possible, because once the prosthesis becomes infected with such bacteria, it is virtually impossible to get rid of them.