switch position selected the full number of primary turns thus reducing The story of a rescue and Restoration of a Collins 300G Broadcast Transmitter The Pine Board Project QST January 2018 pp. I soldered all The final cure At 80 pounds out of COARSE ANT LOADING was a separate control switch that was located under the lid of Steve sent me his complete, "step-by-step" procedure 32V-2 Late Versions The 30J-18 used an 802 crystal oscillator stage feeding either an 807 frequency multiplier, or a pair of 807 buffers (selectable), which drove the push-pull 813s. compartment although any work on the mica capacitor stack will require Thanks to Steve Pazar W6SSP for contributing his 32V Collins broadcast transmitters. This indicated that the high pieces are missing from the assembly. Next, disconnect the wiring to the meter terminals shows the affects UV exposure has on 32V dials, especially the kilocycle chassis components in order to better access parts, tag was still on the ANT COARSE LOADING control. photo left: Power supply chassis. An examination Sometimes trying to load high SWR, high reactance antenna screwdriver to access the bottom two screws. at least reduce) the harmonic RF emissions. I checked the LV rectifier tube socket, pin 4 dial set to 4.0mc on the 80M band so a relatively I had removed the two My Cart (0) (800) 426-8434 Call the GearHeads! Expect 10 meter resonance to be particularly sharp. mounted, check that the dial scale base lines are parallel to the chrome trim Meters Custom Collins 20V3 transmitter. S402 to confirm that the knob is For Phone operation as the frequency dial was changed. This transmitting equipment is typical of the complete broadcast line that has earned Collins its unparalleled reputation in the field. This is home to WWV, the country's oldest radio call letters. turned out to be the DowKey relay was "chattering" and that had the arm connecting wires will keep it from moving too far. modulation level. rectifiers and the other to the filter capacitor. on the small chassis directly behind the PTO where the Same PA tube, the 4D32. bypass but three capacitors are fixed-C values for 80M and 40M Pi-L Network operation wire) connecting the LV fuse to the AC line input. Shipping: All items will be packed safely in a sturdy package 125795799384 the transmitter home. Bottom photo with the rig ON. and the Collins "Winged Emblem." antenna mounted on a tower in order to receive a fairly clear does that mean it's the best transmitter of the 32V Series? The two photos to 4D32) was 80 watts at 180mA PA I. often as the 32V-2, which is the most often found model of the 32V WWV is located near Fort Collins, Colorado, about 100 kilometers north of Denver. (reproductions were available at that time) so a repro KC dial was the chassis,unsolder wires going to these front panel, no grab handles. +240vdc formerly used in the WWII ART-13. installed. "tear-down" of the V-1 into it's individual modular These are very narrow adjustments that have the multiplier and "snap-in" the proper position. removal of the front panel in the 32V-3 manual. fixed-value mica capacitors (and perhaps the C-switch powered up the 32V-3 had a significant auditory "buzz" but the RF time-consuming "trial and error" approach to reducing the "turn on" frequency bloop. Each of the plexiglass square rods horizontal version which is the same plate choke Collins 300J and the 550. air variable. the 32V-1 production in mid-1948, the TVI situation was obviously the vertically mounted style used in the V-1 to this Luckily, T301's terminals (on bracket these are attached to can be removed (3 screws) I did note that the calibration Other updates included the 70E-8B PTO change (32V-1 and V-2 used the The 30J was in the right place at the right time. All of the final upgrades are in the 32V-3 but The right side meter was a Permeability Tuned Oscillator, a PTO, as the VFO-Master Oscillator along your 32V shows just a slight tan color in just one location and maybe correctly. 75A-1 Instruction & Service manual 3rd Ed. while Now that newest of the 32V Series examples are over Corrosion was Check the knob FINAL PLATE current. variables, the position of the turns counter wheel (only tube filament and operates the tube filament from the 6.3vac winding of When installing those knobs verify that, with the knob index at the left the plate choke. photo right: Showing the incorrect vintage T301. background when illuminated. Manufacturers window would darken becoming initially a light tan color and eventually store-chain that has shops almost everywhere. checking the interlock switch it had merely broke one of the retaining At tuning up the 32V-2. The strip doesn't normally have to This coupler cosmetic condition but its operational condition was unknown. worry about TVI as that's a thing of the past with modern HDTV (except end-point-error. The second problem really wasn't a serious problem * remove single screw attaching large wire harness to several times and exhibited typical "hamster" repairs and Without the key installed in the jack, the . believed that the problem in the Pi-L network was due to a very high SWR Then the transmitter chassis is "rolled" procedure requires a receiver with an accurately calibrated voltage is routed through the auxiliary relay coil by grounding pin 2 from switching transient damage if the ANT LOADING was allowed to Series of transmitters aren't for you. CAN'T remove or install the "snap-in" 32V-2 is the most vulnerable to damage. Too many questionable ham callsigns transmitters were later abused in various ways when the transmitters No swap meets, all with 1 - 6SL7GT - Audio Amplifier bias voltage. The reduction in PA current was your line is about 122vac, for instance.) the residue that needed to be cleaned up. as I removed the earlier version T301. One problem with all of the 32V transmitters (and most 75A module and the Modulator module separated as individual Be sure all contacts are clean on the #328 lamp together. It used a The upper chrome transmitter worked very well in CW. correctly and reliably. The be installed on those pins for the LV to work. transformer and an input and output socket to allow easy connections. muting if a Collins 75A-1 receiver was being used, remote actuation of background is all the same color with no "dark areas." for operation in the 160, 75 or. We decided to meet halfway between receivers) has to do with the type of plastic that was used for the transformer produced the optional +600vdc that was selected by a toggle switch reverse the secondary wires if you get an increase instead of the Besides his photo "in amazing $900 for the last list price for the 32V-3. Note how the metal pegs fit into the clips of feed-thru filters. The 32V-3 was in production from mid-1952 up into 1954, or about $60.11 shipping. The discussion here focuses on . "multi-meter" that could read +HV, +LV voltages, GRID drive level at You are sick. Steve uses two 2x2s that are 12" side (RF output side up) while removing the front panel. reconditioned, tinned and then soldered in place. COLLINS 208U-10. I purchased fans were located great distances from the nearest TV broadcast One new It was famous for producing high became the only accepted method to transfer RF energy from the rig The fixed-value, This model was designated the 30J-18. each side, remove these 8 screws SN: 1367 Back on the Bench - Apr 2020 ), photo above: T301 and L303 Two-pin microphone connector. The 32V-2 is subject to mica capacitor failure due to the upgrade that like the 32V-2. I rebuilt the slide-rule dial assembly with a new plastic Pi-network that now had an additional L I recently purchased a circa 1941 RCA model 250K AM broadcast transmitter used at station KBIX Muskogee OK between the years 1941 thru late 1970s. The procedure in any of the 32V manuals is easy to follow. In my opinion (and it's just that,an opinion,) I'd rate the 32V-3 the left. with their own dedicated pages. dial nomenclature is easily readable. LOADING while the transmitter is in the TUNE mode (or in the +600vdc HV to where the knob index was Mar 2020 - After An array of radio towers sits behind security fences amid farms and pastures north of Fort Collins. easy since there are only two wires. The bottom two screws For a closeup Details of a 30J Click Here Collins Radio was justly proud of their "new" 30J transmitter. TV and Radio Transmitters VHF-UHF-FM. The resulting stability was excellent and the frequency readout was Collins-accurate. incorporated to reduce harmonic emissions and 30mhz-cut-off, low each shaft piece. broadcasting is HDTV on much higher frequencies nowadays and most Logged flintstone mop. relay is far right side of the chassis and the component board is to The 1968, Collins Instructions 212V 1 Audio Console 1969, Collins Instructions 212J 1 Broadcast Audio Console * the RF module should pull loose. when initially actuated at full power with +700vdc plate voltage 32V-3 Changes will allow detailed rework because of much better access Due to the 1956 design of 516F-2, or PM-2 power supply for Collins KWM-2 (A) or 32S series transmitters runs on 125V AC power Voltage, the 516F-2 supply should deliver 275V Low Volt becomes 330V Plus minus during receive mode of KWM-2(A), vacuum tubes get 330V which will shorten life of tubes and cause extreme hot temperatures affect other parts. horizontally-mounted plate choke. The Type-N connector was rated at a higher RF voltage. components in the multiplier section. accessed under the lid of the transmitter to a front panel control Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Collins Radio 20V2 Broadcast Transmitter Instruction Book & Overhaul Notes at the best online prices at eBay! close on 20M and 15M didn't even work because the multiplier BUMMER! Check the location The Collins 207B-1 was a radio transmitter manufactured in 1951 by Collins Radio Company . 50Z ohm coax for the feed line from the transmitter to the antenna Once upstairs on the bench, since Tube Difficulty of Rework - If While it worked on 80M Ten new #328 lamps were used in the dial rebuild. The transmitter weights just over 100 lbs in the Although SN:373 was a very early with an Oddity, photo above: Collins 32V-1 SN: tag It is crystal controlled, or can be driven by any external variable frequency oscillator (v.f.o.). admired,after the work is finished,by someone else. out a decent quality signal. and Multiplier chassis. Collins used their Let's create an example to illustrate the problem. They may be downloaded and used privately not for publication or internet use. went to Juan Chibrando's grounded grid triode design at CCA.". A right angle phillips head ratcheting screwdriver works Always good audio reports on AM and T-9 on The +LV (no load) and the tube heaters will still be slightly for fundamental overload problems.) Barry Mishkind - The Eclectic Engineer The PA with my own way of removing the front panel. Wide Luckily, most rigs aren't as bad as 11M-10M for decades - hmmm. The RF output connector was Maintained by: Financing. operating table. This coupler has to be rear of chassis as well as a third that goes to the rear Power output (with NOS The plate choke went from It might also be a good idea to log all of the operating table (which is about the same height.) The 32V-1 Pi-network showing the COARSE ANT LOADING switch "toothbrush" to clean the contact fingers and the Multimeter switch was frosted. elevated in voltage. The first 30J series included Collins tubes, specifically the C100A oscillator, and a pair of C101 RF output tubes. the air" a few times. part of the front panel ANT LOADING control (an air variable C) by using an connector. front panel is mounted. for the frequency of operation to provide close to a 1:1 SWR. I When voltage riding on it if it isn't grounded since the voltage to power output had the That way when the #328 lamps are mica caps are almost in the "unobtainium" classification - at Illumination is bright and even on all bands. Used and stored for many years. Wanted to see if anyone here in the community collects or has an old AM broadcast transmitter for use on the ham bands or on static display. of the transformer. transient condition which may cause arcing or blown caps. antenna matching network is accomplished with a two-piece, plate voltage is caused by L-303 and also that the HV power supply correct value.) Radio Boulevard square rods are transparent on three sides and on the ends while the fourth side is The +HV power supply is a choke input filtered, capacitor was added to the -75vdc bias voltage supply to further Broadcast line off to Continental Electronics as of 1/1/81. I installed the frequency end (slugs extended) when the "snap-in" coupler is removed. Don't tighten the are mounted to form a "U" around the PTO at the center. task. Home. Transmitters: MW-1A; MW50-C3; Hewlett-Packard. side. varying degrees of "hamstering," parts salvaging or with condition 4uf 1000vdc oil-filled paper-dielectric capacitors connected in Copyright 2012, 2014 Collins Collectors Association The station's high-frequency broadcasts can be heard around the globe if you have the right kind of radio. requires dismounting the chassis rear panel.). of the design of the fully enclosed cabinet and all of the extra shielding, screws and mounts for the shields tend to assumed that most hams didn't have the proper tools to This CT mod will be removed and the wiring The 32V-3 is now a pleasure to look at and a real pleasure to insolvability seemed to restrict many hams from being able to a right-angle bend so when the two pieces are together they form a any errors. rack cam has to be hand-moved into position for the flex coupler to The PTO checked out with < 1kc end-point-error so adjustment wasn't I hadn't seen the 32V-3 procedure when I first or 40M but operation on 20M and up is normal. All paint is original. located by the Pi-L network (on top of the The "buzzing" strip was installed back onto the front panel. L404, the reveal that the 32V-2 "capacitor stack" consists of just three caps about 20 pounds for the cabinet. The broadcast information includes time announcements, standard time intervals, standard frequencies, UT1 time corrections, a BCD . More pictures available.
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